
Request Type POST request
Note you might need to add 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data' to headers
Input access_token: String, required

model_id: String, required,

prompt: String, required

lcm: String, optional use lcm or not (half the cost with some tradeoff on quality) pass in “true” or “false”, default = “false”

version: String, optional Model version, default to the latest version

width: Int, optional default = 512, must be increment of 8 valid range is 128 to 896 commonly used values: 512, 640, 768

height: Int, optional default = 768, must be increment of 8 valid range is 128 to 896 commonly used values: 512, 640, 768

negative_prompt: String, optional use_default_neg: String, optional Append the default negative prompt or not pass in “true” or “false”, default = “true”

steps: Int, optional Number of inference steps default = 30 valid range is 1 to 50

scale: Float, optional Guidance scale default = 7.5 or model's default scale if one is set valid range is 1 to 20

num_images: Int, optional, default = 4 seed: Int, optional, default = -1 scheduler: String, optional, default = ”DPMSolverMultistep” or model’s default scheduler if one is set,

lora: String, optional id of the LoRA model. You can query to get the full list of LoRA lora_scale: Float, optional, default = 0.75 | | Extra input for img2img | init_image_file: a file object, the base image, required for img2img

image_strength: Float, optional How much to transform the base image, default = 0.75

controlnet: String, optional ControlNet to use, legit values are canny, depth and openpose Note when controlnet is set, image_strength will have no effect

see | | Output | Success: { error_code: 0, images=[ ‘image url’, ‘image url’, …] , credit_cost: 2.2, inf_id: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx' }

Failure: { error_code: 1, message: “This is an error message” } |

Model ID

You can call /models to get the complete model list, including LoRAs. The id of each model can be found in the returned json.

You can also go to, enter a model page and the last part of the url is the model id. E.g. for the model at, the model id is vlDnKP6.

The ids of some commonly used models:

Model Name Model ID
majicMIX realistic yBG2r9O
AbsoluteReality mGYMaD5
DreamShaper 4zdwGOB
MeinaHentai RR6lMmw
Realistic Vision r2La2w2
Babes mG9Pvko
RealCartoon3D gLv9zeq
NeverEnding Dream qGdxrYG
Hassaku 76EmEaz
Deliberate K6KkkKl
MeinaMix vln8Nwr

Scheduler Options


An example of how to make an img2img request in python

    params = {
        'access_token': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
        'model_id': 'xxxxx',
        'prompt': 'an angry orc looking at camera smiling',
        'num_images': 1,
        'scale': 7,
        'steps': 30,
        'width': 512,
        'height': 768,
        # 'image_strength': 0.75,
        # 'controlnet': 'openpose'

    files = {'init_image_file': open('path-to-image-file', 'rb')}
    r ='<>', files=files, data=params)



Get all available models and LoRAs

Request Type POST request
Note you might need to add 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data' to headers
Input access_token: String, required
Output Success:
error_code: 0, 
models: [ {'id': 'XXXX', 'title': 'XXXX', 'cover_img': 'xxxxxxxx', 'link': 'xxxxxxx'}, ... ] ,
loras: [ {'id': 'XXXX', 'title': 'XXXX', 'cover_img': 'xxxxxxxx', 'link': 'xxxxxxx'}, ... ] 


Failure: { error_code: 1, message: “This is an error message” } |
